(10:21), Understanding is a fountain of life to one who has it,But the discipline of fools is folly. Here are a few benefits of reading the Bible that I keep close to my heart and serve as reminders for me to stay in the Word daily. Coral and crystal are not to be mentioned; And the acquisition of wisdom is above that of pearls. If youre not living with a view to how God can use you to bear fruit for His kingdom, then youre wasting your life. 2023 Curt Landry Ministries Inc. All rights reserved | Designed by Viral Solutions. Paul goes on to say that the Holy Spirit imparts gifts to Believers as He wills. Growing in godliness requires diligence and results in assurance of salvation (1:10a). The One New Man Network acts as a voice to the Nations, walking out the instructions of Mark 16:15, Go into all the world and preach and publish openly the good news (the Gospel) to every creature. With the vision to preach and to publish openly the good news, The One New Man Network brings a message of salvation that can be heard throughout the Nations of the World! It doesnt happen without deliberate, concentrated effort. So, the benefits of being diligent to grow in godliness are fruitfulnessyou wont waste your life; and, assurance that God called and chose you to eternal life, as confirmed by your desire to be diligent to grow in godliness. If not, why not? Many Believers operate within a word of knowledge without even realizing it. Verse Concepts For wisdom is protection just as money is protection, But the advantage of knowledge is that wisdom preserves the lives of its possessors. Second, how do you know that your repentance and faith were genuine? Fearing the Lord is not a fear of fright but a reverence to God. The Christian attitude should be life-long learningThe more I learn, the more I realize how much I needto learn. The heart attitudes of humility and love should guide all intellectual pursuits and engagement. Seeking and gaining biblically based knowledge. and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.. You will never experience any victories without also facing battles. We absolutely need our pastor sowing the Word of God into us continually, so that our knowledge of God is always increasing. Basics of Biblical Aramaic, Second Edition by Miles V. Van Pelt is designed for students who are already familiar with biblical Hebrew and . 2. of Of all of the benefits of reading the Bible, this is one of the most personal. Millions of people know about Him who do not really know Him. Proverbs 16:16 Verse Concepts How much better it is to get wisdom than gold! Chartered Member of CIPD. The benefits of reading the Bible include this incredible joy that we receive only from Him. What distinguished these faithful saints to God and made them fruitful was that they devoted themselves to growing in godliness. We might call this experiential wisdom, the kind of savvy that older people gain from the school of hard knocks. Most Christians are not diligent about anything in their Christian walk, which explains why things often turn out the way they do in their lives. Lets look at the gift of the word of knowledge, its purpose, and how to activate it. If she used your name, you wanted to know what she was saying about you: I saw erudite Steve osculating with pensive Pam. Steve and Pam (and the rest of the class) wanted to know what that meant! Scripture is life and nourishment to us as believers, and meant to help us thrive as we walk out the life of faith. 1 Corinthians 12:8 Verse Concepts For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, and to another the word of knowledge according to the same Spirit; Philippians 3:8 Whelchel noted that the word disciple literally means a learner. Christians are called to acquire knowledge of God in order to know what they are called to do. Promises never to destroy the earth again by flood. God also empowered the artisans to teach others how to do these beautiful works while building the Tabernacle. If youre cruising on spiritual autopilot, then take heed to Peters exhortation to be all the more diligent to make certain about Gods calling and choosing you. Does the prospect of heaven motivate you to live for Christ now? When we read the Bible and see so many of the promises of God, we are comforted to know how very much He loves us and will see us through. 2:21b). Then begin to ACT. . Knowledge is neither ethically nor morally neutral. Verse Concepts. Believers can ask God for more knowledge (Psalm 119:66). Basically, knowledge is information we gain through reasoning, experience, or people, and wisdom is the ability to judge what is right and true. Most evangelicals think that if you prayed to receive Christ, you are eternally secure and should never doubt that fact. Solomon said, Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body; but that doesnt mean education is useless. Certainly, daily Bible reading, study, and meditation are a good starting point. Paul desired that believers love would keep on abounding and growing in knowledge and discernment (Philippians 1:9). 2023 Words of Life Ministries - an independent evangelical Registered Charitable Trust (no.269381) Cookie Policy | Privacy Policy Website by: TEKOA Creative, Study 3 MAKING IT OUR AMBITION TO PLEASE HIM. It cannot be valued in the gold of Ophir,In precious onyx, or sapphire. Just as in biblical days, there is a crisis of the Word of God in homes, communities, and places of worship today. Its a good reminder that He wants us to know whats written in scripture. This is part of our inheritance as Believers in Christ. If the axe is dull and he does not sharpen its edge, then he must exert more strength. DILIGENCE = to search out; enquire; to seek after; to investigate; to crave. A look at each book of the Bible, its author and overall themes. New American Standard Bible Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. Knowledge, therefore, is learning with perception. Sproul wrote in his article Walking in Wisdom, Careful study of the Bible is necessary for true discipleship. Additionally, knowledge can help us make wise choices in life. When you embrace, promote, and exalt wisdom, you will get the amazing benefits of having wisdom and knowledge, which are: Therefore, eternal life is the knowledge of God, the Holy One. It is important that we listen to God and His words. Knowledge and understanding can help Christians fight spiritual battles. A biblical example of the manifestation of the word of knowledge is the apostle Peters vision in Joppa. Parents are also encouraged to nurture their children in the Lord, which in the original language carries the meaning of training and instruction. Therefore in some cases, we shall refer to all the three and in other instances only two, or one of them depending on the scripture reference. Level 7 CIPD qualified - Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. He was an amazing man whom God used mightily. Although copies and translations of Bibles are readily available, they often gather dust. Lord continue to bless you and your ministry and family. The wisdom of the OT, however, is quite distinct from other ancient world views. Its all in there. Peter further explains the idea from 1:10a: for as long as you practice these things, you will never stumble. These things refers back to verses 5-7. God gives wisdom, and we see in Daniel 1:17-20 that the king found Daniel and his friends to have wisdom and understanding that were ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers in his entire realm. 3. Moody said the Bible was not given for our information but for our transformation. Mans thoughts and ways are not naturally Gods thoughts and ways (Isaiah 55:8). In fact, given the choice between wisdom and material wealth, they opted for wisdom, hands down. November 4, 2020 by Curt Landry Ministries, But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit,1 Corinthians 12:7-8 (emphasis added). There are some things that we are to develop in in our Christian walk that helps us to grow strong in faith and to be pleasing unto the Lord. And yet, many people end up that way! Also, the word blind seems to fit the unbelieving, but not true believers. This collection of bible verses give insights into the value of . Even if you are already a believer, rereading the words reminds us that He gave His only son for us to live in Him. In verses 1-4, Peter sets before us the resources that God has graciously provided for us: He has given us everything pertaining to life and godliness through knowing Christ and through His precious and magnificent promises. The Hebrew term for knowledge is based on the verb yada, to know. This is understanding with insight. That speaks of His good pleasure, of His guidance, of His blessing look up Numbers 6:24-26; Psalm 90:17; Proverbs 4:18 and 10:22. Tools. The word of knowledge is a spiritual gift given to Believers by the Holy Spirit. Psa 86:17. There are degrees of knowing God. Our Lord calls for a continued application of the mind to His Word. Pray and ask God for wisdom, understanding, and knowledge. The literal translation is, they are blind, being short-sighted. These people were so focused on their present circumstances that they were not growing in the qualities mentioned in verses 5-7. Nor can it be exchanged for articles of fine gold. Related: 11 Benefits That Come From Reading The Bible. Knowledge, he says, deals with knowing the facts. The Lord, however, grants knowledge to those who have an honest relationship with him. He who gets wisdom loves his own soul;He who keeps understanding will find good. She could only worship God. We cannot even begin to discuss the wonders of King Solomon after God gave him wisdom and understanding in 1 Kings 3: 12. Far too many people are skipping the church services where their answers are being revealed by their pastor as he ministers from gods Word. As a Christians knowledge grows, love and understanding are needed toward those who may not have as much training. In Latin, there is a phrase called summum bonum, which means "the highest good out of which all other good flows.". It has a wider sweep than our English word "know, " including perceiving, learning, understanding, willing, performing, and experiencing. WE SHALL BE BUILT UP Verse 23 tells us this. assurance, perseverance, and eternal blessings. Jesus reminds us inJohn 17:17that it is Gods word is truth. Digging deeper into the Word and comparing Scripture with Scripturebeing careful not to take passages out of contextoften reveals truth that is missed with casual reading. who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. Our burdens become lifted when we read of our God delivered others, throughout history, from defeat, hunger, death and more. The Bible has so much to say about knowledge, both good and bad. Proverbs 1:7 states, "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge," while Psalm 111:10 declares that "the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom" (emphasis added throughout). I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that Jesus Christ died for my sins and was resurrected from the dead. The Bible is filled with Gods promises. In short, what motivation is there to be diligent to grow in godliness? And, when we step into eternity, there will be a grand welcome! We adhere to biblically based moral and ethical principles, and maintain these principles both in public and in private. This means that we heard the gospel and God opened the eyes of our darkened understanding and imparted new life to us so that we believed in Christ (1 Pet. 2. You see, only a fool thinks ignorance is bliss! Many years have passed, and I still enjoy the teachings. Knowledge and understanding are part of spiritual character building (2 Peter 1:5-9). Biblical knowledge helps Christiansespecially leadersteach, reprove, correct, and train in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:17). The Bible uses this of Gods all-knowing What Bible verses remind you of the benefits of reading the Bible? Please get in touch with me so I can celebrate with you. In Jesus mighty name, I have prayed, Amen. For wisdom is better than jewels;And all desirable things cannot compare with her. Here are some other sources and articles on the benefits of reading the Bible: Unlocking the Bible, and Bible Gateway. For wisdom is protection just as money is protection. Additionally, knowledge can help us make wise choices in life. As you learn what He has taught and how to conduct yourself and your business and daily affairs and as you see How to conduct your business in an ethical, God-ordained manner, you will become more successful. If the Holy Spirit has imparted a word of knowledge to you, know that God has and will continue to equip you with all the spiritual tools necessary to carry out your spiritual assignment. They are seeking to know Him better and to please Him every day. The gift of knowledge is the supernatural ability to impart a specific word of wisdom into a situation. Bible study is vital to our spiritual growth and maturity. No one gets to God the Father except through Jesus Christ. By His divine power, He has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness (1:3). But if his word of warning applied to some, they should take heed. Here are some other verses that remind us of how we should be longing for God and His Word. In Job 22:21-29, which section of scripture is introduced by our key verse, we are told of the good, the blessing, the benefits which will come to us if we really know God. Like every spiritual gift, the word of knowledge is imparted to Believers so that the tent of Gods Kingdom extends and enlarges. What Does It Mean That There Is No One Holy Like God? And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or farms for My names sake, will receive many times as much, and will inherit eternal life.. Will God forgive me for losing hope and the will to live? People who are ignorant are uninformed, unaware, or unwilling to learn. All rights reserved., Posted on Published: December 27, 2021- Last updated: January 10, 2023, Reuben in the Bible: The Lost Tribe & Lessons From His Life, Who was Simeon in the Bible? Solomon and the wise men of Israel regarded wisdom, understanding, and knowledge as worthy pursuits in life. If you are a true believer, you are an heir of God and a co-heir with Christ (Romans 8:16-17). Our purpose is to facilitate covenant restoration through the reconciliation of Jews and Gentiles coming together as the One New Man. 15+ years' experience across the full HR remit. Psa 103:2. Years later, in my thirties, I went over to her house and thanked her for being such a great teacher. A poor yet wise lad is better than an old and foolish king who no longer knows how to receive instruction. About. Good comes to those who are adding the knowledge of God to their life continually. One of the benefits of reading scripture is that we mature as we grow in fellowship with Him and learn His commands. Your email address will not be published. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success., Oh howI love your law! And an advantage to those who see the sun. Well, I recommend that you embrace this wisdom, knowledge, and understanding because of the following reasons: Embracing knowledge, wisdom, and understanding is the best thing you would ever do for your soul. Jude, which parallels 2 Peter 2, ends his short letter (Jude 24), Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy. The means that God uses to help us persevere in the faith is to motivate us to grow in godliness. This first couple knew intellectually about good and evil because of Gods command, but they understood good and evil experientiallyas well as the devastating consequences of their choicein disobedience. He makes the pursuit of an understanding of Gods Word a chief business of his life..
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