Sometimes, when a battle is fought (these words may be added just in general) or a mentor deems their apprentice worthy, these words are added: Leader: [Mentor], has your apprentice, [apprentice name], learned the skills of a warrior? It's warm, nice, and leaves are bright and green. This website saves cookies to your browser in order to improve your online experience and show you personalized content. However, they must carry out many duties, such as pulling ticks, or changing bedding. If you are being a kittypet, roleplaying with multiple people makes the game a lot more fun and enjoyable. ", Fox-length - About the length of a fox; approximately a yard. Drypaw- A cat that dislikes getting wet, usually used in RiverClan. COMPARE MEANINGS paladin warrior Smoothly step over to these common grammar mistakes that trip many people up. Click to reveal Who made dirt in his/her fresh kill/nest?- A phrase to describe a cranky or suddenly moody cat, as used in The Sign of the Moon. It's a clever way to keep up with trespassing cats and keep the borders fresh. Foxbreath - An insult used in Beyond the Code, Fox-dung - A (harsh) insult comparing the recipient to fox feces. The way you type your username is not as important, but you want to make sure you come across clear. Unless they have permission, apprentices may not eat until they have hunted to feed the elders. Used by Leafstar in SkyClan's Destiny about Harveymoon and Macgyver. It is a leader's second-in-command, and takes over when a leader dies, retires, or is no longer fit for the leadership role. A cat calling you to be similar to a piece of fox dung. Often described when cats are near Twolegs/the Thunderpath. The Clan leader's word is the warrior code. Never hunt or trespass onto another Clan's territory. StarClan's kits! Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition (WCUE) Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. You can also be a kittypet, rogue, or a loner. They are restricted to not eat any prey while hunting, as they are to only bring it back to camp. Used in Crookedstar's Promise. They mostly do the same things as a Clan cat (hunting, fighting if necessary, caring for their young, etc.) Leader: I say these words before StarClan, so that the spirits of our warrior ancestors [or former deputy's name] may hear and approve of my choice. Rank: warrior. True or false? They undergo training with their mentor, usually every day, and have tests (minor assessments) every moon to check their progress. (30 cm), Rabbit hop or rabbit length - About a foot and a half away. I blew it! I call upon StarClan to give you many moons of rest. British English and American English are only different when it comes to slang words. Also how do you tell the difference between the seasons and how long are they each. - A similar expression to scaredy-cat, but in cat terms. But don't be intimidated; It's not as complicated as it might sound. A "better" biography could look like this: [ A loyal, loving she-cat with a gentle nature ] or, [ A confident and steadfast tom who is very tall ]. 6. But the proud stone lion that once stood atop the tomb, as Peristeri has often maintained, suggests a male occupant and a warrior. noun a person engaged or experienced in warfare; soldier. Used by Leafstar in SkyClan's Destiny about Harveymoon and Macgyver. Half-Moon: around 2 weeks or half a month of time. For a full guide on Character Customization, visit Character Customization. The only time you should cut in to someone's roleplay is if you have the permission to do so. [1], The autumn map and Tailfur in RiverClan territory. Motorboats are sometimes referred to as "water-monsters.". 5. Severity of the insult is almost always decided by tone. Snake-tongue - An insult meaning cold or unfair; similar to "fox-hearted" or "snake-hearted", used by ShadowClan in Night Whispers. Halfbridge: a dock that leads out to a lake, larger ones usually have water monsters on their sides. Details Dark Forest: An evil cat who has died, they do not go to StarClan, but to the Dark Forest. Fox Length: About the length of a fox, so about a meter or 3 feet in length. Would've made mousemeat out of you! Mothermouth - The opening to the cave where the Moonstone is/was located. There is a truce on this night, and no fighting is allowed. Medicine Cat: I, [name], medicine cat of [Clan name], call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. Also used as an exclamation (as in Mouse-dung! Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Also used as an exclamation. Fresh-kill is hunted by warriors and apprentices, and sometimes elders, and placed on the fresh-kill pile or brought to the elders. Naomi Dare, the Digital Director at the Coolabi Group, describes the game as: Finalized original character- Tailfur by Vector Sigma. Thundersnake - A train. The tunnel splits into two. You have to know when to get involved in someone else's roleplay. A fight will not break out among Clans at this time. May StarClan light your path/Banish all the fleas from your nest - A friendly term used to tell others they wish them well. Going back to the "attack" example, this also brings up another point. Fishface, fishfur or fish-breath - An insult used against RiverClan warriors, mainly appears in Bluestar's Prophecy. Elders' den - The den in camp that is shared between the elders of that Clan. Leader: Being a Clan leader is a stressful role, but it is vital for a roleplay. Used by Graypaw in Into the Wild describing how dangerous a fox could be. They are usually taken care of by other Clanmates, and tell stories, like the mythical clans LionClan, TigerClan, and LeopardClan, former battles of the Clans, difficult leaf-bares, etc. Frog-dirt and Fish-guts - Used in RiverClan, has the same meaning as thistles and thorns, used in Crookedstar's Promise. Deputies: Like a secondary leader to the clana warrior with special privileges that is higher than all cats . The elder then joins the rest of the roleplaying elders. The game was officially released on May 7th, 2021, and is published by the Coolabi Group and Aldrich-Callen Studios. There is a sub-category, not often used in roleplays, called young warriors, and senior warriors. Cleanpaw- An (scornful) insult used for someone who sticks to the rules closely. " or. The same applies vice-versa (Clan cat becoming rogue, rogue becoming Clan cat). Windover Road separated ThunderClan and ShadowClan in the original Territories. Make Your Own Warrior Cat (New names + Options). COMPLETED, #hinata13 Like LionClan/TigerClan - An expression stating that a cat does something very fiercely or well. However, it can be interesting if a rogue trespasses the border, or even requests to join the Clan. Similar to "Only God knows what," "Only God knows," and "God knows.". Dungface- An (harsh) insult used in Thunder Rising. (Half moon = two weeks; Quarter moon = one week. Leaf-fall: Around Fall or Autumn when prey amounts start to die down, leaves fall from trees and the ground may start to frost, rain is more frequent. (i.e. May the Sun warm your back and the fish leap into your paws - A blessing used in RiverClan used to wish good dreams or, in some instances, to say farewell to a dead cat. He was a distinguished warrior under Francis I, mortally wounded at the battle of Marignan. A kit must be at least six moons old before becoming an apprentice. Thistles and thorns - Used to describe bad luck (as in: Thistles and thorns! Glowpoles: Streetlights on the sides of Thunderpaths. Camp - The place where a Clan makes their permanent home. Let's find out! Cats who eat this often become sick afterwards. C. rowfood - A (harsh) insult comparing the recipient to rotting prey animals (as in I'll turn you into crowfood! Chickfeed- Alternative of crowfood, used before the start of the Clans. - An insult used when a cat (or cats) are acting crazy. Snowmelt - A term used to describe slush or dirty, melted snow. Minnow-brain - An insult that is friendly but harsh. If you know the proper meeting call for the Clan you are roleplaying in, be sure to use it (e.g. ), or suggesting that they eat it (as in crowfood-eater). ("You're such a mouse-brain.."), Mouse-dung: insult-- stronger than mouse brain but less offensive than fox-dung. Foxpaw is called this by Sandstorm in Eclipse. Similar to "Only god knows what," "Only god knows," and "god knows.". May StarClan light your path/Banish all the fleas from your nest - A friendly term used to tell others they wish them well. You may also name your OC after something in the physical world (e.g. Sunup - Dawn. This is normally the case unless your OC was a former rogue/loner or kittypet, and they join a Clan. Just as we humans have sayings, the Clan cats have idioms, too, although theirs relate to things found in the world of the Clan cats. Although you might not be directly saying this, it can easily be implied when you are trying to roleplay, whether accidentally or purposely. 2. Fighting here is against the warrior code. Fox-dung - A (harsh) insult comparing the recipient to fox feces. Leader's den - The den in camp that belongs to the Clan leader. ), or suggesting that they eat it (as in crowfood-eater). Your mentor will be [name of warrior or medicine cat]. Sweet, gentle, kind ]. a person who shows or has shown great vigor, courage, or aggressiveness, as in politics or athletics. )Moonhigh:The time of night when the moon is highestusually midnight.Mousebrained:Not very smart.Mouse Dung:An insult; stronger offense than Mousebrained but less offense than Fox Dung.Newleaf:Spring.Nofurs:Another name for twolegs.Queens:A pregnant she-cat, or a she-cat that's nursing kits.Rogue:A potentially hostile cat that lives outside the clans, and never stays too long in one place.Sharing Tongues:A term used to describe cats grooming each other.Silverpelt:The Milky Way Galaxy.Sun-Drown-Place:The sea to the west, where the sun sets.Sunhigh:Noon.Thunderpath:A road.Tree-Eater:Bulldozer.Twoleg Nest:A twoleg house.Twolegplace:A human town/city.Twolegs:The Clans' name for humans.Upwalkers:Another name for Twolegs.Warriors:Full members of the Clans.Whitecough:A mild chest infection. Registered users will be able to edit pages, will only see ads on the Main Page, and more. Only Thundersnakes travel on them. May you find good hunting, swift running, and shelter when you sleep- An ancient farewell used by all the Clans, to say goodbye to loved ones on their way to StarClan. 13. Mouse-dung - A (somewhat harsh) insult comparing the recipient to mouse feces. (Only) StarClan knows (what) - Sometimes used to answer a question that is impossible to answer. 11. Rogue/Loner: Being a rogue in WCUE can be fun if you prefer not being in a Clan. Warrior Cat Terms This is a collection of terms used by the Clan cats in their speech. Frog-dung - Same as fox-dung, except it's often used in RiverClan. Gathering The monthly meeting of all the Clans when the moon is full, at either Fourtrees or the Island. You must challenge all trespassing cats. Remember to make yourself understandable while talking in and out of roleplay. This is not true, but some people believe it is. A RiverClan version of mouse-brain. Severity of the insult is almost always decided by tone. The following are just a few things to avoid while roleplaying. Elders and kits must be feed before yourself. [Apprentice], do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between Clan and Clan and to protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your life? It is the cause of the Carrionplace Disease. May fight if there are trespassers. Or saying that a patrol didn't catch anything. Any warrior that has mentored at least one apprentice (see warrior apprentice) can become deputy. Inhofe is not just a climate-change denier; he is a warrior for corporate-funded half-truths and outright lies. Somewhat like "Darn it!". Your name might match the personality or appearance of the OC (e.g, a black cat- Nightwhisker; an introverted cat- Silentheart). It's a good idea to call Clan meetings every once in a while, to give mentors to apprentices, and even to update the Clan on recent events. This helps to improve the experience, and engage better in the roleplay. Clan deputies make patrols every morning and every night. Newly appointed warriors must keep a silent lookout for one night after being given their warrior name. Roleplaying is the main point of Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition. The Ultimate Guide: Updated and Expanded Edition. Greencough: a severe chest infection, which can be fatal for younger cats and elders, can also be known as a flu for cats which usually comes after a mis-treated or missed Whitecough. How in Silverpelt? Roleplaying Gaming, Video Gaming, Technology. You are able to be your own warrior, and live the life of a Clan cat, whether as a playful kit, a young, eager apprentice, a brave warrior, a bossy queen, an old, retired, elder that has protected their Clan for moons, a skilled medicine cat, or perhaps a legendary leader. A kit may choose to become a medicine cat apprentice at six moons, and usually trains longer than warrior apprentices. - A phrase to describe a cranky or suddenly moody cat, as used in The Sign of the Moon. Name and descriptions above the player's name. Be aware of everyone around you, and make sure to give people a chance in the spotlight. Their path is called the silverpath because of the shiny look of the iron. I ask you now to take away the name from the cat you see before you, for it no longer stands for what they are. You undergo this eight more times until you get your ninth life, for which the last life giver says this: 9th Life Giver: I hail you by your new name, [original prefix]star. Dirtplace - The place near the camp where cats go to urinate or excrete. Medicine cat apprentices obtain their full name by the Clan's main medicine cat when they deem their apprentice ready. Clan deputies also go on patrols, not only organize them. That includes hunting, patrolling borders, sometimes collecting herbs, and taking care of simple camp tasks. They are usually in their Twoleg place or exploring outside. . Foxpaw is called this by Sandstorm in Eclipse. ", What in StarClan's name?- A exclamation similar to "What on earth?" Also used as an exclamation. If you would like to use them, see Ceremonies. There are a lot of WCUE (Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition) players that do not read the Warriors books, and that might include you. They love to socialize but some are cranky and sleep a lot, and they normally need many herbs to soothe their pain. Similar to mousedust. Fighting here is against the warrior code. A WindClan version of mouse-brain. There can only be one deputy and only one leader. Used by Longtail in Into The Wild on Rusty when he was joining ThunderClan. Prey is killed to be eaten only. Equivalent to "a leopard can't change his spots. An experienced leader is very important, especially if you are aiming for a realistic roleplay. Partly this is tradition as old as the history of warrior Islam. Frog-dirt and Fish-guts - Used in RiverClan, has the same meaning as thistles and thorns, used in Crookedstar's Promise. Fishface, fishfur or fish-breath - An insult used against RiverClan warriors, mainly appears in Bluestar's Prophecy. Warrior: A warrior is usually over the age of 11-12 moons, and has completed their training as an apprentice. Used in Crookedstar's Promise. Severity of the insult is almost always decided by tone. They have chosen the path of a medicine cat. By my authority as Clan leader, and with the approval of our warrior ancestors, I give this cat a new name. Used by Rowankit in Yellowfang's Secret. An exclamation of surprise or disbelief. An exclamation of surprise or disbelief. Rogues usually live in the barn near WindClan, Carrionplace near ShadowClan, or other abandoned areas near different Clan territories. Leaf-bare: Around Winter time when prey becomes quite scarce. A leader is granted nine lives by StarClan so they "can be first in every battle and last to take a piece of fresh-kill" basically giving them extra time to serve and lead their Clan. First of all, what I mean by "style" is the kind of wording you use, symbols, etc. Is This Alexander the Greats Tombor His Wifes? - To badly injure, rip to shreds. "Kittypet:A house cat.Leaders:The most powerful cat in a Clan; has nine lives and always ends in star. Elder - Cats who cannot hunt or fight anymore, sometimes due to injury (Stonepelt), loss of sight (Longtail), sickness (Heavystep), or are just too old to do their warrior duties. Medicine cat's den - The den in camp that belongs to the Clan's medicine cat and his or her apprentice. Can also mean that a cat would be stingy enough not to share a mousetail. [Extra: Do not run away as it can be very annoying and no one cares to come after you!]. Chickfeed- Alternative of crowfood, used before the start of the Clans. Snow blankets the ground after about a half-moon in. Similar to Oh my god! Used in The Sun Trail by Gray Wing when Jagged Peak leaves the mountain cave. An example of powerplaying as a Clan cat could look like this: {she attacked them forcefully with her laser eyes}. Used by Yellowfang in Into the Wild while intimidating Firepaw. Not only does it upset and often annoy the people trying to play, but it disrupts the roleplay altogether. Used inThe Sun Trail. Warriors' den - The den in camp that is shared between the warriors and the deputy of that Clan. Carrionplace - A Twoleg dump in the forest territories that in human language is called the North Allerton Amenity Tip. Somewhat like the human phrase, When pigs fly! Once a kittypet, always a kittypet! There can also only be one medicine cat apprentice. Thank StarClan for its life. Kittypet: If you are being realistic, most (almost all) kittypets are intimidated by the Clans, and will not stroll up into a camp (if they can manage to find one). Bat-blind- an insult to a cat's eyesight, similar to the phrase "as blind as a bat". (as in That's fox-dung! This is known to be many cats' favorite season. Twitter: Fresh-kill pile - The place, usually in the center of the camp,where the warriors drop the prey they caught while hunting, so it is easily accessible to all the cats in the Clan. [Extra: A tip for being leader is do NOT choose medicine apprentices without the medicine cat knowing, it can be annoying. However, this is not appropriate if you are playing as a Clan cat, or a regular kittypet, rogue or loner. Power playing is when you are roleplaying unrealistically, whether that be fighting unreasonably strong, or roleplaying with magical powers. Warrior Terms:Apprentices:A cat of six moons or older, in training to become a warrior. I don't give a mousetail/They wouldn't give a mousetail - An exclamation meaning that the cat does not care. Another variation uses "madder" instead of "crazier." [1] Contents 1 Development 1.1 Future developments 1.2 Servers 2 Character customization 3 Gameplay 3.1 Herbs 3.2 Controls 3.3 Menu Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Random House, Inc. 2023, Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition However, most people that do not read the books do not know how to realistically play the game according to the lore. This is one of the most entertaining steps in creating an original character. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a2e44085bde7d77 It's pretty important to roleplay in a way that is understandable, and that can be difficult sometimes. You fight/hunt like a kittypet! CR. Some rogues live with other cats, or wander territories on their own, which also makes for interesting roleplays. Doormouse - An expression or exclamation used against a cat who sleeps a lot. 8. Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012, / wr i r, wr yr, wr i r, wr yr /. 4. Minnow-brain - An insult that is friendly but harsh. Used by Mapleshade in Mapleshade's Vengeance. For example, here are some different styles- . - to gravely injure, rip to shreds. 7 May 2021[1] Fresh-kill: A recently killed prey animal caught for the purpose of consumption. Fresh-kill A recently killed prey animal caught for the purpose of consumption. Having powers is fine if you are roleplaying in the less popular magic school, or even lab roleplays (these are recommended in private servers). what does cr mean in warrior cats avengers fanfiction peter cries in front of team Julho 7, 2022. 2. To Twolegs, they are just trash cans/bins. Mrrow: Described when a cat is trying to hide a laugh or smile. Sara Goleman, CC-BY-SA, via Flickr. The Starpedia consists of all you need to know about the Clan territories, resources, and lore. - An expression used to insult or tease a cat who fights/hunts poorly. Thundercat - Used by ShadowClan to describe a ThunderClan cat. When you are speaking out of roleplay, you should use some other symbol to represent that. A cat lies on the ground, talking, while the other grooms their fur, listening. To roleplay as a cat from the Warriors book series, your character will need to have these attributes of the typical house cat. You have now received the nine lives of a leader, and StarClan grants you the guardianship of [Clan name]. Dormouse - An expression or exclamation used against a cat who sleeps a lot. Before fighting, or doing something in general to/with another cat, it is important to yet again ask permission (shortened to perms). Newleaf: Spring time, when plants are most common and are growing. This kind of biography gives you more room to add more traits and information about your OC. Apprentice - A cat at least six moons old, and training to be a warrior (or a medicine cat.). Other medicine cats: Cheer new apprentice's name. Grant them your wisdom and insight so that they may understand your ways and heal their Clan in accordance with your will. Doesn't matter a whisker/Doesn't catch so much as a whisker - An exclamation meaning the cat does not care, (i.e. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. (Only) StarClan knows (what) - Sometimes used to answer a question that is impossible to answer. The game was first released on August 15, 2019, for beta testing and was officially released on May 7th . (as in That's fox-dung!). Before becoming a warrior, they are fully assessed in their skills. Mousefodder - An insult describing that the cat is worthless or a kittypet. [ A ] Acorn Adder Amber Ant Apple Arch Ash Aspen [ B ] Badger Bark Beech Beetle Berry Birch Bird Black Blizzard Blossom Blue Bounce Bracken Bramble Brave Breeze Briar Bright You always want to avoid interrupting roleplays. Furball - A (friendly, yet harsh) insult. Horseplace: The fields and stables where horses and farm animals live. Greenleaf Twolegplace A place frequented used by Twolegs during summer, such as a resort or camping spot near the lake. Or saying that a patrol didn't catch anything. 1. Title screen No-furs: a word generally used by loners to name humans. Unabridged Warrior Apprentice: A warrior apprentice, usually shortened to apprentice, is a young cat who has chosen the path of a warrior and is at least 6 moons old. Crowfood or crow-food A dead prey animal that has begun to rot; can also be used as an insult. Whether you want to find the latest news, content and videos, or dive into the amazing new store, this is the place for you. Defend your Clan. And even if it seems like nothing is going on at a certain point, it is a still a good idea to ask that way everyone can agree. Warrior Cats is a fantasy book series following the adventures of a group of wild cats. Pain in the tail - An insult meaning a cat is irritating or lazy. Warriors Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Elders and queens are infinite. - A similar expression to scaredy-cat, referring to a cat easily frightened. or "What in the world?". 3. except they don't live united as a Clan. 14. an honorable warrior doesn't need to kill cats to win his or her battles, unless they are outside the warrior code or if it is for self-defense. they are usually nomadic, traveling without territory and moving when they see fit. Whoever is the witness of your punishment will decide your fate or choose who will decide your fate, whichever he or she prefers. Warrior Cats is an animated television series based on Erin Hunters Warriors book series. Here is the code all cats should follow. Fox-dung: insult-- stronger offense than mouse-dung. There can only be one medicine cat, unless the medicine cat apprentice becomes a full medicine cat. Finding your roleplay style can help you be consistent in the roleplay. Used by Graypaw in Into the Wild describing how dangerous a fox could be. Used in The Sight. a person who shows or has shown great vigor, courage, or aggressiveness, as in politics or athletics. Scaredy-sparrow - Same as the term "scaredy-mouse.". This is a collection of terms used by the Clan cats in their speech. Name always ends in paw. Used in The Sun Trail. Used inThe Sun Trail. Just a few examples, "Sun`Paw, how are you doing today?" Great StarClan! If a cat is injured, the medicine cat takes care of them until they are well enough to return to their duties. Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition (WCUE) Wiki. They normally don't go far when exploring, often barely past their fence. Somewhat like "Darn it!" This is a good way to see what is going on in the Clan, and socialize where a leader most likely couldn't. I'd have shredded you into mousedust! Tabbies don't change their stripes - means that a cat doesn't change their nature. Housefolk: a kittypet's word to speak about humans. Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition (WCUE) is an open-world, free-to-play, 3D roleplaying game on Roblox. Mouse Length: about the length of mouse, so approximately a couple inches in length. As much use as a dead fox - A (harsh) insult, meaning the recipient is useless. Finalized original character- Magpie by Diablo. The new deputy of [Clan name] is [warrior's name]. Tabbies don't change their stripes - means that a cat doesn't change their nature. Doesn't matter a whisker/Doesn't catch so much as a whisker - An exclamation meaning the cat does not care, (i.e. (You're) crazier than a fox in a fit! Sharing tongues Cats grooming each other while sharing the latest gossip. ex. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. Often refers to the Horseplace on WindClan's territory, where cats such as Daisy, Berrynose, Hazeltail, Mousewhisker, and Smoky come from. ]. Whitecough: a mild chest infection, which usually comes during Leaf-Bare and is the developing stage before Greencough. Scaredy-mouse! Sometimes used as an exclamation if a cat is hurt. A gathering of all four Clans is held at the full moon during a truce that lasts for the night. Crowfood or crow-food: A dead prey animal that has begun to rot; can also be used as an insult. Used by Ivypool in Fading Echoes. Used in Night Whispers. In all the stars - an exclamation. Used in The Sun Trail. Who ruffled their fur?- A similar way of saying "who got under their skin?" For a guide on medicine cat skills, visit this Medicine Cat Guide. Life giver: [Touches nose to the top of deputy's head] [Deputy's name], I give you a life for [gift). There's a very specific reason why Warrior cats are given the names they have, and it's much more obvious than people make it out to be. Lionblaze uses this to describe Ashfur. As easy as swallowing a minnow - A phrase used to indicate easiness of the task. Mentor - A cat who is currently training an apprentice. Are your language skills up to the task of telling the difference? Nicholson and John Lawrence were there; could they hold those warrior-tribes in subjection, or, better still, in leash? It can get boring if you are the only one roleplaying. The Starpedia is there to assist you if you are new to the game or have not read the books. - to gravely injure, rip to shreds. Silverpelt The large swath of stars in the sky(believed to be the Milky Way). Leader: [Warrior or Medicine Cat], you are ready to take on an apprentice. This optional step makes a good base for any OC (e.g., the basic lore of an OC named Twistedfoot, previously named Bramblepaw. Another variation is I would ____ for a couple of mousetails meaning that they are willing to do the inserted action for no real reward. (45 cm), Mouse-length - About two or three inches. 15. You fight/hunt like a kittypet! Click for a side-by-side comparison of meanings. Use it well [to, in, as, for, etc.] Sharing tongues: A time of day when the members of a clan speak and share the day's news, generally while eating prey or grooming eachother. Mousefodder - An insult describing that the cat is worthless or a kittypet. Thundercat - Used to describe a ThunderClan cat. #silverlite24. Skeletons hint that ancient societies had women warriors. 1. The left one leads to the Moonstone. Can you expose the truth in these two riddles? || he was growling and lashing his tail || {the leader nods and looks thoughtful for a moment}. Cutter: A veterinarian, specifically, though not always, referring to one that spays or neuters cats. #warrior-cats. Greenleaf: Around Summer time where prey is most common.
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